Yoga and Tantra

Total relaxation is the result of inner stillness                                 Kundalini Yoga Classes

Yoga and Tantra have essentially the same purpose which is Union, or the merger of the divine masculine and the divine feminine. Another way to look at it is the end of our attachment to duality. Duality is part of the whole and also a structure which we navigate here on the material plane. The human mind defines its reality in order to understand the construct of the world we live in. However, this defining represents A single interpretation or perception of reality as it filters though our senses. The merger of duality occurs when we can see the infinite in all, or the consciousness which all creation shares. Both Yoga and Tantra provide a structure, physical practice, and a way of developing awareness which leads us down a path toward presence; the systems themselves are not the point, the point is Meditation. In meditation we learn there is no experience in the present moment. All experiences, stories about who we think we are, and expectations of the future are simply expressions of the nervous system and the collective consciousness field. Our experiences maybe in many ways dependent on the physical, however beneath the physical, beneath the movement of energy through the body lies a larger interconnected flow which guides and is rooted in the infinite. It's surrender to what we do not understand that opens us up to expansive consciousness altering experiences. As we tune to presence we simply witness everything in an unbiased manner, and its through this process that our consciousness grows. Who we think we are is essentially a box; a box which limits the flow of energy and when this box is simply witnessed our identification with it ends and the energy is liberated.

Yoga's approach to union is through mastery, concentration, contemplation, and perfection of physical alignment resulting in a greater sense of well-being, and comfort within one's own skin.

Tantra is an approach based on acceptance and surrender. Acceptance that the present moment is eternal and beyond the defining actions of the mind; surrender to the flow of energy as it moves through our physical form. Tantra is often associated with sex, however sex is not necessary for a Tantra practice to be effective. Sexual situations are often used in order to provoke the flow of sexual energy. Sexual energy is primal, potent, and Tantra allows us to indulge in its intensity without the neediness for a release. A Tantric practice leads to a deep centering in which we are no longer controlled by our desires.

Yoga and Tantra do not lead to the end of desire or the ego. These practices are about integration into the whole which ego and desire are part of.

For Information on Tantra for Couples or Tantra for Men Classes:

All sessions begin at $60 per session and range up to $200 depending on the nature of the work being done,  all sessions last from 1 hour to 3 hours

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