Human Design and Astrology

Human Design is a system which has reveled substantial truths to me since I began studying it not long ago. The premise of the system is that we are all endowed with a very unique and individual design; this design when we are tuned in provides the necessary guidance we need in this life. Our design determines our attractions, frustrations brought on by resistance and conditioning, our specific trajectory through life and how we engage others is determined by how our Aura functions. There are functionally four types of Auras on Earth today. The majority of what we experience as who we are simply identifications, life's movement, conditioning, and sensory experience; however within each of us lies pure consciousness which is still and expansive. Human Design is the energetic template of how we experience life, ourselves and others. It is based on the human Genetic code, Kabbalah tree of life, quantum physics, astrology, and the I Ching. Thur the study of your design you will learn to accept all that you are and realize the change you have been seeking is simply a process of tuning into what has always been there. The system is very organized just like the design of the physical body. Think about it, the body has two arms, two legs, ten fingers, ten toes, and a vascular system/nervous system/lymphatic system which have essentially the same layout in every human; so too there is an organization for the human energetic experience. The evolution of language over time was pressed forward by the need to describe and communicate what is experienced. For example, emotions are in essence just a vibration (or energy in motion), however the pressure to communicate what it is we are experiencing has encouraged us to find the "right" words to describe what it is we are feeling. Human Design is focused on the vibratory base to what has been described, or beneath the language. Personally, the system has allowed me to work through years of Karma and recognize those patterns I had been so fixated on changing which in reality only needed to be witnessed and accepted. This is a system which emphasizes the energetic pressures which drive us into different experiences; it s not about the specifics of the experience but how you experienced them and the universal flow which lies beneath every decision we make. Practically speaking, this material will guide you towards clarity about career, love life, friendships and physical wellness. I must warn you, this is very powerful content; so if you are looking to maintain the status-quo then perhaps this is not the appropriate information for you.

I also utilize Vedic Astrology in readings. Vedic Astrology can be beneficial in finding themes in ones life; areas where one might struggle or excel. It can also aid one in finding clarity concerning passions and career.

Get your Human Design Chart here

All readings are done for a donation; I only ask that you keep in mind my usual rate for other services is $80 per session

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